
Trouble switching Compilation from Link Only to Public

I have a set of three images that I have set to Public, but they are appearing as “Accessible only as Link” on my compilations list, and the visibility says “Public: Moderated”. How do I switch these images to publicly available links?

Hi Joel and welcome to the forum!

The visibility status you are seeing indicates that a member of our moderation team removed your images from the public list of compilations.
We started filtering the public list of compilations because at times it was difficult to find the high-quality ones there. So we decided to have team members work through the compilations and explicitly hide those that aren’t deemed being high-quality submissions at that point. This, of course, is highly subjective – but our goal is to feature submissions that have good image quality, alignment of both images and interesting descriptions.

When a compilation is set to “moderated” it still can be viewed when the URL is shared directly, by the way.

Anyway, maybe you have changed something after our team looked at your images and it’s certainly worth it to check it again. Paging @Moderation . :slight_smile:

I just heard back from them: We would like to promote images on the public feed that are well-aligned and show (unchanged) reference points between then and now. We believe that it’s more interesting for the viewers this way because the contrast is much more striking when it’s obvious that you are looking at the same place.

Because of this rule, some of your images were hidden from the public feed. This doesn’t mean that we are not satisfied with the quality of them, though. (Quite the contrary!)

I hope this makes sense to you. Very much looking forward to your next contributions!

Dear @soeren ,
I wonder if I might appear this ruling a bit further. Atlanta, Georgia USA, is particularly bad at historic preservation. I photograph before-and-now shots with extreme accuracy and a lot of detective work, but the almost total lack of common visual reference points is a critique of the indifference to historic preservation. These photographs do have historic features in common if the viewer knows where to look, and I think it serves the public interest to have them on the public feed.

Best regards,